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Video Latino

A video art compilation  

Video Latino

Curated & edited by Liliana Orbach


                                                       Video Latino presents a compilation of works by video artists born in Latin countries, some of which live and work in their country of origin, and some of which live and work in other locations within the globe. 


Along with innovative trends and advanced technologies of our times, most of the works have cultural and/or territorial references, which are connected to the creators’ roots.


Themes such as locality, migration, gender, personal dilemmas, power struggles and social concerns, are approached through the creative sight and spirit of each of the participant artists.


As I finished editing Video Latino, I remained with a pleasant sense of satisfaction, since I felt that the variety of genres and the originality of means of expression included in this compilation, will drive the viewers to see it until it ends.


Video Latino has been created for Indie Gallery, Tel Aviv, and it will be screened from February 25th to February 27th, 2016.



Liliana Orbach - Israel, February 2016




Video Latino - Program


Rinat Schnadower (Born in Mexico) / Matcot. 2:13 min. 2015 / The role of the genders in relation to cultural norms. 


Leyla Rodriguez (Born in Argentina) / The Separation Loop. 3:56 min. 2015 / The complex relationship between two distant locations and two different realities.


Grimanesa Amorós (Born in Peru) / Preoccupation. 1:12 min. 2008 / The feelings that are embedded within the ways in which women are observed by others.


Mauricio Sáenz (Born in Mexico) / Casa Iceberg. 3:10 min. 2015 / The mental and physical displacement as a result of significant changes in life.


Andrés Cuartas (Born in Colombia) / Deconstructions. 3:00 min. 2015 / Decay and destruction are exposed by disturbances and  transformations of the urban structure.


Adrián Regnier Chávez (Born in Mexico) / Sujeto V. de La Fuga. 3:30 min. 2015 / Facts of reality lead to question regarding the chance of survival of human civilization.


Ariel Mioduser (Born in Argentina) / The First Eye. 4:13 min. 2013 / Whispered sentences expose inner aspects of the self.


Elena Tagliapietra (Born in Italia) / W.Instinct. 2:00 min. 2014 / The woman’s primeval instincts and swings of moods are exposed through a dance performance.


Livia Pascual (Born in Brazil) / A Hero’s Journey. 6:16 min. 2015 / In a future post-catastrophe Brazil, two men are fighting for their hegemony.


Liber May & Pablo Verbitsky (Born in Cuba) / Silvester. 3:43 min. 2012 / The desire to preserve traditional practices in order to preserve the self identity.


Adrián Regnier Chávez (Born in Mexico) / V.I.S.A. Are you part of a clan or tribe? 5:00 min.  2013 / A laconic and tedious questionnaire, designed to convey a sense of discomfort among the viewers.

Grimanesa Amorós  /  Preoccupation. 

Andrés Cuartas / Deconstructions.

Mauricio Sáenz  / Casa Iceberg.

Rinat Schadower. Matcot. 


Rinat Schadower / Matcot. 


Elena Tagliapietra / W. Instinct. 


Layla Rodrigez / The Separation Loop. 


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